Services _&_ Skills

Services & Skills

What we do best

  • Services

    Mobile Apps

    The popularity of mobile applications has risen tremendously. With the proliferation of high speed networks, smart phones…

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  • Services

    Product Development

    Stream4Tech offers comprehensive application lifecycle management services that include maintenance of, adding new…

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  • Services

    Custom solutions

    There are lot of solutions that do not fall under either desktop or web solutions. For example, at times clients require us to…

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Platform Solutions

  • React/ React Native/ NodeJS/ .NET/ Java
  • WordPress base design, development and customization
  • Joomla based design, development, customization and integration
  • Microsoft Sharepoint Deployment, Customization and Maintenance
  • Microsoft SQL Server R2 – Analysis, Database Design, Optimization and Review
  • Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services – Analaysis, Report Design, Scheduling and Integration
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services – Analysis, Cube Creation, Maintenance, Optimization and Review.